Where are global rates likely to settle from here?
Now that global rate cuts are on the horizon, what will this mean for yield-hungry investors? With global interest rates close to 17-year
Now that global rate cuts are on the horizon, what will this mean for yield-hungry investors? With global interest rates close to 17-year
There has been much speculation for some time that South Africa could be downgraded by Moody’s to sub-investment grade or “junk” and this has now at long last occurred as at the end of March. The Moody’s rating has been notable in that it is the only one of the three major ratings agencies that had not yet downgraded SA’s foreign rating.
Gone are the days when the effects of Brexit and load-shedding made for the most prominent watercooler conversations. Welcome the COVID-19 media era, where ‘watercooler conversations’ happen online, and crisis and fear-gripping headlines are the new order of the day. Indeed, we live in remarkable times where a new chapter in history is unfolding before our eyes, bringing with it a unique set of challenges.
My friend has told me about some hot funds that have been performing really well recently, with double-digit returns. Isn’t it a good idea to include these funds in my portfolio?
The recent significant market events related to Steinhoff International Holdings and its subsidiaries have been widely reported in the media and we would like to share our views as well as the views of the various asset managers who manage your portfolios.
One of the most destructive behavioural traits of investors is to constantly make investment decisions by looking at recent past performance….
This is then anything but the time to sell and is instead a period of increased opportunity…..
Grab your popcorn and hold onto your seats folks, because it looks like this movie (already longer than a Tolkien trilogy) might be heading for its grand finale. While our American friends are getting ready to celebrate July 4th, it looks like we may see some fireworks from this side of the Atlantic in the coming few week also, following one of the most over-reported financial sagas in the financial press in the last 6 months (even Janet Yellen’s Facebook count has waned of late).
Many South Africans have invested in offshore property in recent years but neglected to consider the tax effect from an estate planning point of view, as it is often assumed that offshore assets will not form part of a resident’s estate for estate duty purposes. In South Africa residents are taxed on worldwide income and capital gains and estate duty is levied on the worldwide assets of ordinarily residents including offshore assets. Therefore, it is essential to consider the amount of estate duty and capital gain tax (hereinafter referred to as “CGT”) payable on death with regards to offshore assets, as this will have an effect on the liquidity of the estate.